Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

When we visited the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, myself, along with my group visited many exhibits. The people in my group were Sekou, Khalima, Bianca, Shanae, Keyiana, and Shadeara, along with Matt. (he tagged along) We had fun as we saw exhibits which showed progression of airplanes over time, starting with the first Wright Brothers' plane, and ending with some new commercial airline planes and army planes. There also were exhibits which had displays about space and even World Wars I and II. These displays showed the need for planes in war and the significant roles they played in warfare. They also had exhibits based solely on space and research in space. There was a speaker who talked about the astrounaut's suits and apparel, along with their food and methods for doing everyday processes. This proved itself very helpful and informative. There were many sights that we saw, but the best part was seeing how people from all over the world at this place, all trying to learn more about air and space. (McDonald's was good too! lol.) This concludes my experience at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.

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